Creating a post is a process that empowers you to share your messages effectively. You can easily craft and customize content that resonates with your audience, enhancing engagement and driving action on yournotify platform. Follow the steps below to create a post on yournotify.
STEP 1: From the dashboard, navigate to the “Contents” section.
STEP 2: Select “Creations” from the drop-down menu.
STEP 3: Click on “Create New”.
Step 4: Enter your topic and content type.
STEP 5: Click on the “+” sign to add content. Choose whether you’d like to insert a heading, text, or a list, depending on the structure of your post. 
STEP 6: To adjust the size of your heading, click on the six tiny dots next to to the + sign. From the dropdown menu, choose between Heading 1 to Heading 6.
STEP 7: Provide the topic’s description, select a category, add relevant tags.
STEP 7: To save as PDF, Click on “Actions” and select “Export PDF” from the dropdown. And click “Save”.